What is our mission &
who is the Neurovation Project?
Our Mission
In today’s society innovation and invention drive most of the global economy, private and public firms invest an incredible amount in R&D in hopes of creating the breakthrough everyone will become reliant on.
In a world where emphasis is put on the diversity of individuals and perspectives, we believe neurodivergents, and their unique abilities, are the heart of this new economy of innovation. However, too often what is known of neurodivergents are their struggles and differences, and their strengths are overlooked.
At Neurovation, we aim to change this narrative around neurodiversity by showcasing how neurodiverse individuals, with unique abilities, have harnessed their powers to innovate and excel. This has been the case throughout history and continues today.
The Neurovation Project
Founded by Viv, The Neurovation project was created to shift mentalities on neurodiversity, and replace the current negative image of neurodivergents, with that of skilled and successful individuals.
To include a diversity of perspectives and knowledge for the project, Gab, a fellow student familiar with the topics of entrepreneurship, neurodiversity, and social advocacy, was temporarily brought on board. Further, Viv often consults and draws advice from her mentors in academia.
The Neurovation Project will be attending Stanford’s Neurodiversity Summit in September 2024. We will be presenting a poster showcasing the ideas lab in which the neurovation project was created, as well as some insights drawn from the first few episodes of our podcast. We look forward to meeting all the amazing individuals invited to present and the curious participants attending the summit.